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Education is what I do and music is who I am. Our ministries have evolved into a multi-faceted entity named "Church Music Ministries" check us out below.
We Seek To:
My whole music venture came about as a request by a friend in long term internment at an area hospital. It was told to me that when the music was playing, the instruments monitoring her pain showed a significant reduction in her pain as well as her other vitals signs such as blood pressure and heart rate. I share this music freely to all whom may benefit.
This young lady, as a result of performing in one of our youth expos, went on to win a national praise dance competition in Nashville, Tennessee. She was the youngest person to ever compete and win as a solo artist. From there, she earned an acting, singing and dance role in a live play out of Chicago, Illinois.
We went right into one of the schools with a flute-a-phone orchestra. No one was excluded from the band because they could not afford the instrument. Youth learned the fundamentals to sight reading and how to work and cooperate with others. The middle school and high school band directors loved it because the kids already knew the basic to music the they joined the school bands.
Again no one is excluded because they cannot afford the instruments. Kids learn rhythm basics. Kids also learn to find themselves musically. Picture here is one of the students helping teach the other ones.
The self-initiated Tuskegee Acrobats (high school young men) perform without mats. Here one of the young men is doing a twisting somersault off a 4-foot stage. I have personally seen them tumble on asphalt surfaces, again without a mat.
We sponsor talented artist to do demonstrations in area schools. Pictured here, Taylor Pierce (RIP) playing for the kids. This was a motivating and inspirational experience.
Sometimes, logistics permitting, our youth contingent travels and performs with the Gospel Jazz Experience. Pictured here are some of the youth that traveled with us to "Lamb of God Baptist Church" Atlanta, Ga. . . and guess what? They stole the show.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
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